WordPress Quick Tips: background color, special chars

To set special attributes of a paragraph e.g. the background, font typeface, color and size, etc enclose your paragraph in a <div> tag, e.g.:

<div style="background-color:black;color:red;font-size:0.75em;font-family:Courier">
Your paragraph goes here. It will use a Courier font, 75% of the normal size, and the text will be red on a black background...</div>

Using the above settings your text will look like this:

Your paragraph goes here. It will use a Courier font, 1.5 times the normal size, and the text will be red on a black background…

If you want to use some special symbols, like < and > literally on your page – use these special character codes:

Visualized as…
< (the “less than” symbol
> (the “greater than” symbol)
& (the ampersand symbol)
  (a space)
" (a double-quote)

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